WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?????????? What does it means? Well, if you are not aware about Poland was the source of the Anglo-polish language. It is a mix between archaic english with a little bit of polish imagination. Let’s take for example the topic of this post. What do you have by thinks? Well it is not that difficult to understand it under the circumstances and reasons about this email... but still come one try it.... hum yes you are right... It means no more that what you have by thoughts or what do you have in mind? I was not that hard.
Let’s try another example. End wat wiw koncert? It sounds easy, doesn’t it? I have to say to you that if you had seen the person who wrote, would you expect that such creature could be that intelligent to make her own language understandable? According to my sources, this creature was better to make her understood with body language rather than expressing herself with such a basic language such as english (note: over a billion people speak English at least at a basic level). I think you had time already to figure out what this means... if not, prepare for the unexpected... And what about the Concert? Similar no?
I was surprised on the other day as well about a question that is often asked to the small community of portugueses in Poland. "Where do you live in portuguese?". I start to think to myself, is this person asking me how to say in portuguese where do you live or is this person really asking me where do I live in Portugal? The good part of this is that if you also reply with double meaning and the other side will understand as much as you. Actually, this might help people developing their imagination and thinking skills... There is a point after all.
Unfortunately, I lost my phone a month ago and I have to say I lost plenty of sms that I would like to post here and comment on them. Next time, I should not drink that much and control myself at the party... but it is becoming hard and hard by the minute...
And I am not trying to say that in Portugal we speak better english...
P.S.: I was asked the following question on the other day: "What kind of nationality do you have?"... guess the answer... "I am Portugal..."
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2008
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1 comentário:
Baroni, ninguém te pede que reveles os nomes das pessoas que receberam essas mensagens, mas quer eu, quer muitos outros, sabemos bem de onde são provenientes...
E não é do teu telefone...
Tá na altura de começares a viver as tuas próprias Estórias, isto de viver pelos amigos cansa...
Razão para dizer "uot kind of layfe do you éve?"
ps: gosto de ser acutilante, apesar de tudo és boa pessoa e sempre benvindo a Kazimierz, aliás, conto contigo no primeiro fim de semana de 2009! abraço
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