I would like to take this opportunity to apologize myself for being so far away from my blog but latetly my life took a turn of 180º. Nevertheless, I always fulfill my committements. As so, I am here to continue the work that I have started almost one month ago.
Unfortunately this post will be a call of attention to my FRIENDS or to the people I was considering as such. For the past few weeks, the expression of AMIGOS DA ONÇA (there is no expression in english for this so please contact me and I will give you a brief explanation about it) has been introduced to my circule of friends in Warsaw. Actually, I was considered to be the only one among ourselves but the true is that there is A.D.O. in each one of them. I was called such because I have a problem to be a very good looking guy which all girls of Warsaw and Poland as well would like to have as a boyfriend. Therefore, when I go out the possibility of creating the sensation and phyco masturbation in girl´s mind is 100% sure to happen. Every girl we meet has this desire to know me. So if they are speaking to my friends, it is just a subtile way to go straight to their goal.... which is ME, Gonçalo Nuno Ferreira Amaro Silva. Their approach is quite well thought but they should put themselves in my shoes and try to imagine what will be of me in my inner circule. This leads to situations that sometimes I am speaking and flirting with girls that were speaking to my friends before or had relationships with them. On my friends´ eyes I am an A.D.O. just because they WANT ME and that i am trying to steal them which is not true. I have this problem as I told you and it is my parents fault coz they were the ones to create this human being called Gonçalo Nuno Ferreira Amaro Silva.
Inverting the situations I have just realized that I am living in Warsaw for the last 6 months in a flat which I considered it was mine. As a good friend, I invited Roy to come here to warsaw this weekend and I was glad to offer in the sofa of my loft. It was the minimum I could do. Yesterday night, due to certain situations which I will not fall on details, Roy was leaving Cinnamon before me to go home and I gave him the keys. So far so good, I would arrive later and I was expecting that the door would be open (again I say it would be the minimum he could do... I do not want to have false expectations such as having some wild party with some unexpected guesses, but that would be asking to much from Roy). Well I got home and I was amazed that nobody was there to open the door. I rang, I called, I kicked, I did everything. Door steal closed. My only thought was, I hope is there with somebody or sleeping with someone somewhere else. Perfect! That was my mistake...
Summing up, I went to an hotel. Now you could ask me "but you do not have more friends in Wawa". My answer to you, yes I have but NOBODY... and I mean NOBODY answered my call for help... E o Amigo da Onça sou EU????? O BURRO SOU EU?????? aarahrahrharhra.... Finally when I woke up, once again I tried to enter home and nothing. I went to my other friend´s house... humm let me rephrase it... I went to my other ADO´s house, even with lunch delivery at home... and for my surprise I saw Roy sleeping on his sofa...
I do not like to repeat myseft but.... E O BURRO SOU EU????? O RUIM SOU EU????? ahahhaaha
I better stop coz I must prepare another by night in Wawa and I could stay here for ages writting about these so called FRIENDS...
sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007
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Essa historia esta muito mal contada. E quando digo mal contada quero dizer muito mal contada...
Ao que eu sei esse sujeito que da por nome de Baroni anda na noite feito um doido, armando confusao e perdendo sistematicamente uma serie infindavel de personal belongings, desde telemoveis a fichas de bengaleiro, e mais recentemente chaves de casa... triste mas verdade!
Sorte tem ele em ter amigos como os que refere no seu post. Que encontram a sua chave, procuram-no, ligam-lhe, e inclusivamente dormem com telemoveis ligados para poder a qualquer hora atender um telefonema dum amigo perdido. As coisas nao sao como sao, sao como as contam...
E ja agora, veja la se melhora um bocadinho o nivel da sua escrita, os seus leitores merecem um pouco mais...
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