domingo, 18 de novembro de 2007

And what if?

How many times have you asked yourself this question? This subject came into my mind when my boss, João (desculpa mas tenho que referir nomes uma vez que se temos um nome é para nos diferenciarmos uns dos outros e se a tua maezinha te disse que te chamavas assim, temos que te tratar por esse nome), had the opportunity to have sex with 2 girls and our other friend, Guilherme, but…. He did not take the chance. Why? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHY? If it was me, I would say it was the pressure that everybody puts on me but in his case… MOET. And the question is “what is MOET”? Simple, it is a sparkling wine produced by inducing the in-bottle secondary fermentation of wine to effect carbonation. Usually people drink it to celebrate some event, such as weddings, New Years Eve, etc. In João´s case it is completely different. Every moment is time to celebrate. So on Friday we wanted to celebrate something (We are still trying to guess what) and he ordered 3 bottles of that type of wine (FYI: bottles of vodka in Odessa, Ukraine cost 12 euros). For what? Just to be sleeping at his door steps thinking what if he was not so drunk he would be on a crazy house party? Would not be this a good reason for him to stop drinking? Well people have to do taugh choices in life and this will be one he will have to decide on his own. If you want my opinion... keep drinking and dreaming :P.

But coming back to the main subject, yesterday I had a similar situation. And what if I had came home with 3 girls? For sure I would not be posting this entry in my blog and I would be doing something else, but again, I made my choice (frakinhoooooo). And what has to be done, has to be done and it is stronger than me. I promised to myself and to my readers that I would post no less than 3 or 4 comments and I do not want them to be unhappy. This is the pressure that I have to live day by day. Which will be one of the topics of the following posts because I want to be coherent with everything I write and there must be a line of thought.

My question for you is: And what if Baroni did not exist? Would you be reading this bullshit? :P

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